About Us
MONTI Dekor 2020 yılında Izmir’de dekoratif dogal taslar alanında faaliyete basladı.
Dogal taslar pürüzsüz yüzeyleri ile serin dokunusları ve her seyden önce birbirinden güzel renkleri ve dokularıyla, mimarların ve heykeltırasların antik çaglardan beri çok severek ve ustalıkla kullandıkları bir yapı malzemesidir.
MONTI ‘nin ana teması, dünyanın çesitli bölgelerindeki madenler den çıkarılan tasları. Pirinç ve Bronz metallerinden ürettigimiz zarif ve dokunuslu aksesuarlarla birlestirerek ve Ince isçilikle sanat ruhu vererek farklı ve çagdısı eserler ortaya koyup ve BIR ÖMÜR BOYU SENINLE KALAN GÜZELLIK’ leri yaratmaktır.
Farklı kültürlerin tas mimarisinden esinlen ve yeni bakıs açısıyla, dekorasyon sektöründe öncül ürünler üretmektir.
Sadece yurtiçi degil dünya genelinde dogal tas ruhunu yasam alanlara tasımaktır.
MONTI Dekor started its activities in the field of decorative natural stones in Izmir in 2020.
Natural stones, with their smooth surfaces, cool touches, and above all, with their beautiful colors and textures, are a building material that architects and sculptors have been lovingly and skillfully using since ancient times.
The main theme of MONTI is the stones extracted from the mines in various parts of the world. It is to create different and outdated works by combining them with elegant and touching accessories that we produce from Brass and Bronze and giving the spirit of art with fine craftsmanship, and to create BEAUTY THAT REMAINS WITH YOU FOR A LIFETIME.
Our Mission
Inspired by the stone architecture of different cultures and with a new perspective, it is to produce pioneering products in the decoration sector.
Our Vision
It is to carry the spirit of natural stone to living spaces not only domestically but throughout the world
MONTI Dekor started its activities in the field of decorative natural stones in Izmir in 2020
Natural stones, with their smooth surfaces, cool touches, and above all, with their beautiful colors and textures, are a building material that architects and sculptors have been lovingly and skillfully using since ancient times.
The main theme of MONTI is the stones extracted from the mines in various parts of the world. It is to create different and outdated works by combining them with elegant and touching accessories that we produce from Brass and Bronze and giving the spirit of art with fine craftsmanship, and to create BEAUTY THAT REMAINS WITH YOU FOR A LIFETIME.
Our Mission
Inspired by the stone architecture of different cultures and with a new perspective, it is to produce pioneering products in the decoration sector.
Our Vision
It is to carry the spirit of natural stone to living spaces not only domestically but throughout the world